Saturday, April 17, 2010

Self Discovery

Vivid dreams,
piercing screams.
Learnt the world is more than it seems.

Occult farts,
fucked up facts.
Neigh to dead lions,hooray racing rats.

Finding my way in a land vast and bare,
if i lose myself will she still care?
Walk besides me fair angel,through devil's lair.

Scaling walls,
fearing falls.
Yet all in all, am standing tall.

Hell's flame didn't melt,
Like ore thats smelt;
Shaped and strengthen, by what I've felt.
Feed with greed, fouling belches.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


I realize there is a higher power to mine,
So when I light it, make it shine.
Oft mistook my perceptions for the truth,
But learnt to change the misconceptions of my youth.

The discovery of friends and urban trends,
Seen their twisted intents, mind eyes, psychic bends.
Them that only mind I.

Asking of me to look beyond an irreconcilable past,
Why should I strain thus, so you could fill my eyes with dust?
Trying to cloud my insight, with measly grit put in sight?
But the war is not won, with numbers and might,
But a burning desire, an idea whose time is right.
I no longer flee but fearlessly face my demons and fight.

I'm a work in progress, help bring out the masterpiece,
Burning bush, Holy Moses,were he Jamaican would ease
Fearfully in dark corners, whimpering and whispering in awe,
Of hailstorms and brim fire.
Shocking them rudely, tripping the live wire: